Biology, gaming handhelds, meditation and copious amounts of caffeine.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Probably a lot of different reasons, but it doesn’t help that pretty much everything is translated by volunteers. I moderated 3 big brazilian subreddits, Brazil is one of the largest non-English speaking groups using Reddit, yet we only got a portuguese speaking community manager a couple of years ago. So if you are a local ad agency and you want to collaborate with Reddit, good luck, they make zero efforts to adapt into your region. Do you want to collect data from brazilian users? You need LGPD compliance, which means paying a local lawyer… Not happening, and so on.

  • I recommend using this:

    A couple years ago, Google decided that instead of exporting the photos with EXIF data exactly as you’ve uploaded them, which was the original behavior and how platforms such as OneDrive do it, they are going to completely delete all EXIF from the image and instead also create a .json containing the original data, in a non-standard format. This script is an open and free version of a paid tool that goes through each image, finds the corresponding .json, and puts the EXIF data back on.

    If you don’t do that, when you reupload these photos into a new service, the date will be reverted to the day you’ve downloaded them and location data will be missing entirely.

  • Here in Brazil the hardware and software are technically two different products, in such a way that you can’t deny a hardware warranty repair due to software modifications. That’s the good part.

    The bad part is that manufacturers do that anyway because they know you won’t pay the legal fees to challenge this in court. This strategy mostly pays off. If you’re particularly annoying, or somebody from our customer protection watchdog happens to take interest in your claim, the company will fold and repair the modified device for you eventually.

  • Oh no hate at all, I actually encourage you to try your hand at exploring your own solutions.

    But if they’re giving you more trouble than the problem they were supposed to fix to begin with, it’s good to be reminded that there’s nothing wrong with using something built by someone else and that commercially relies on not having issues. This community will downvote and reply as if anything not self hosted is the devil reincarnated, but you know what, it’s safe and works.