If you’re in RoR land, there’s always the Faker gem to get you started. Or keep it simple - find lists of names on Wikipedia or something, shuffle and combine.
If you’re in RoR land, there’s always the Faker gem to get you started. Or keep it simple - find lists of names on Wikipedia or something, shuffle and combine.
Voyager was a bit jank last time I used it, I’ll give it another go
Liftoff was the closest thing I could find to reddit is fun, in terms of muscle memory, hopefully I find a replacement
New gets… Weird
I exclusively surf “top 6 hours” and I’ve actually noticed an uptick in niche community content, lately. Different kind of growth, maybe a sort of settling into itself, finally.
This thread is really alarming if you’re like me and got Patrick Bateman confused with Jason Bateman
This comment warms my pre-modern-eastern-history-degree having heart
… Still haven’t seen The Wire 🥲
Caught it jumping around earlier when a post had scrollable embedded media in it. As you bring the scrolling frame into view, the moment the top of the frame aligns with the top of the viewport, the whole feed jumps down. Not sure what it’s jumping too, looked like the bottom of the scrollable area was jumping down to the bottom of the viewport. Very jarring, in any case.
Misread “worm” as “woman” at first, was concerned.
I kind of lose the comparison to the same psychological manhole you get from pure numbers. I wonder if the effect would have been improved by starting with some arbitrarily sized pile of rice for bezos money and then trying to divide it downwards (to where you’re scraping the side of a single grain with an exacto for some dust, or looking through a microscope)
Kind of like a “and then there’s you” effect
Put your steam account in your will
Same, there’s no gas in the tank at the end of the day. I problem solve for a living, it’s hard to get into that after work
some specific instance should have its own “charter” that it uses to make those decisions with, sure whatever
This one, yes.
I’d happily take a sliding scale subscription that comes with zero personal benefits, if it means keeping a cool and valuable instance up and running.
Oh hey, like taxes.
It is actually exciting to see and participate in how things develop.
Same, to go from years of lurking on Reddit to feeling compelled to post here is an indication to me that something cool and different is trying to happen.
Good question, something for folks writing the charter (whoever they might be) to take into consideration, and hash out.
Off the top of my head, there are types of for-profit orgs, like B Corps, that could be included. There are non-profit orgs, like religious institutions, that could be excluded.
(Edit: point is that it’s something for more and better minds to sort out, and adjust over time)
I’m very anti one charter - my intention here is to propose the idea of charters as a way for communities to sort of balance each other out, solve each other’s problems and avoid reinventing each other’s wheels.
Well-thought-out policies will be copied and forked by other new instances, and that will create consensus communities of instances that are at least on the same page when it comes to how a site is supposed to work.
Yeah, pretty much this, but with some mechanism - literally at an icon level - to indicate to users (lemmings, lemurs, lemurians?), who aren’t necessarily keyed into inter-instance politics, and just want to see their memes, that “this instance follows the No-Nazis charter, which I like, and the rest of the charter members agree. Cool.”
If I’m being honest, the only thing stopping me from shopping at other sites is having to put my personal and payment details in yet another site for it to go stale, or fall out of my memory, or get leaked in the next big hack.
Some sites have “pay with Amazon” (more likely PayPal, but… ugh. I don’t remember why, but I hate it), but I’d love to see some universal adoption of some sort of payment and shipping details lockbox. Like SSO where you can revoke access to subscribers or something.