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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • They could have claimed that a dozen or so years ago, yet for some reason they kept terrorizing Gazans while being almost entirely immune to any type of “conventional” (and proportionate… Which lol because this isn’t a word the Israeli government is familiar with) response. Also even “conventional” is a stretch given the apartheid reality makes it nearly impossible for Palestinians to even formulate a “proper” response.

    It’s almost like 10/7 was out of complete desperation for an untenable situation where these people see there friends and family murdered by the IDF for no reason, or have family in The West Bank where settlers from New Jersey who have never been out of the US are literally storming Palestinian villages with AR-15s in the middle of the night and forcing them to leave so they can literally steal their property.

    I am by no means justifying the events of 10/7, just like I would never justify the events of 9/11. But I would be ignorant and foolish not to learn anything from the event about how decades of policy like this creates terrorists and they will fight back when you corner them for literal decades.

    Anyone old enough to remember 9/11 and didn’t just read Bin Laden’s “manifesto” or whatever you want to call it last year, we remember when it happened and, to many of us it make complete sense. Shit, Obama almost lost in 08 because he was seen with some black preacher once or twice who had a recording of an old sermon where he (correctly) said 9/11 was our “chickens coming home to roost”.

  • The thing is, we either get 2 more years of Biden, or 2 more years of Trump.


    Trump and more broadly republicans have publicly declared their intent to move the country towards a dictatorship.

    Are incongruent.

    Also, how long do you think presidential terms are? Why do you think we’re going to have another presidential election in 2 years?

    You do realize that the election is this year right? Even further, if Biden wins this year, he couldn’t run for a third term if he (and the DNC) wanted.

    Most importantly: if Trump wins this year, it won’t just be “2 more years of Trump.” If we listen to what Trump and the GOP has been telling us they will do (and we fucking should, read "Project 2025”), it won’t even be only 4 more years of Trump. It will mark the beginning of the Trump Family Dynasty and his name will rule the country for generations. You want Emperor Barron? I wish this was fucking hyperbole.

    They’re not “moving toward a dictatorship,” this is it. This election will decide if democracy continues to exist in the US at all.

    He’ll also be far far worse than Biden/Democrats regarding the one topic these people seem to suddenly give a shit about.

    It’s shameful. To use the plight of the Palestinian people as a political cudgel. If these people gave a shit about this genocide, they would recognize that allowing Trump into the White House again will make it sooooooo much worse. Don’t think “it can’t get worse,” because we’re about to see it if he wins.

  • Where did I judge these people by their nation state? I’m judging them based on their actions.

    This behavior is very reminiscent of the behavior of Israeli “settlers” in the West Bank, and I was pointing out that comparison.

    I judge the nation of Israel, which is democratic with mandatory conscription (i.e. brainwashing every Israeli adult into believing Palestinians are literally subhuman) for creating these people. But in a democratic system, the people aren’t entirely blameless.

    And no it’s not the same as Hitler, he was (barely) elected and then seized power and did away with the democracy, so it’s not like the German people could have just voted him out (not that they would have).

    We (humans) have already settled this anyway. Read The Banality of Evil to understand why the German people are absolutely not blameless, and it’s perfectly acceptable to criticize them as individuals.

  • Israeli “settlers” have been stealing land from Palestinian families that have lived there for generations. For decades.

    I agree that Jewish people as a whole aren’t guilty, but the type that go into other people’s homes, on other people’s land in other people’s countries are the same type that carry AR-15s when marching into a village in the West Bank to say, “this is mine now.” Fuck those people.

    It’s ok to call the Proud Boys shit without damning the entire US population.