Thank you ChatGPT
This exposes one of my greatest fears: people speaking French at me.
Yuck. Romance languages.
Caillou did what now? I think that kid should just shut up.
They usually speak French about you, not to you, so don’t worry. :)
Parle français, fils de pute!
Wait is this actually the French take on the all-time classic subreddit for German memes: Sprich Deutsch, du Hurensohn?
Il ne faut pas avoir peur !
ah merde. tu me fait peur.
The pics are on the left side, so the lady is not Nepali, the person responding to her is. I think she got autocorrected
We should support the abortion of thoughts before they’re retardness is given form, like in this case.
I still think that persons phone autocorrected. Or at least I want to believe in them! I can’t accept a world where someone conflates Nepali and Napoleon, never! Neeeevveeeeerrrrr!!
Nepali the language spoken in Nepal is called Nepali
The language of chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ice cream?