This is anti-sneakerism.
Saving this post to see how long it takes to get censored/taken down.
I get the joke. I just don’t get how “Jews” comes from J + “shoes” without forcing the spelling, which is what I’m pointing out.
This was my reaction exactly. Scroe the haters.
In fairness, English phonetics is just a dozen languages’ phonetics in a trench coat fighting about which way to go.
Obviously, but spelling
Here you go.
You got me lol!
Only when they’re sloppy
“Go on.”
“…no. I sense I’ve made a mistake of some kind.”
Joes, Gods chosen people
God’s chosen footwear
No, those are janclas
Yeah I was gonna but it seemed a little on the nose
Maybe don’t use AI to make your memes next time and see what kind of response you get
if it makes you feel any better, i downvoted both of you (but this one is better because it seems to depict actual items, and not ai generated nonsense)
Well you didn’t call them jews tho
Because it’s way too on the nose!
Nose! Is that antisemitism?
Ah crap. The torching resumes lol
Torching? Now that’s antisemitic for sure.
I’m sorry, friend! When I looked at this post, I thought it would be funnier if it was spelled like “jhoes.” I guess this one performed better because it eased people into it whereas you outright went there.
As long as you don’t spill juice on them.
not sure why this wouldn’t follow the standard naming convention and be “joes”.
Because that would be pronounced differently, wouldn’t it.
That one’s spicy.
I always knew this was the inevitable conclusion of this series of posts
I mean, it’s not inciting hatred towards or promoting any negative stereotypes about Jews, is it?
Reminds me of a friend of a friend who thought calling people Mexican was racist.
Sorry buddy, you said that word jew. That’s antisemitic.
If people call anything that mentions Jews as antisemitism then I think this counts
If saying neutral or even nice things about Jews is antisemitism, I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.
I agree, plus it’s a well made pun.
those are jeakers sorry OP
Okay, time to wrap it up. This was the peak
We had a good run.
What if we ran with the Jews on?
👉 👈
Working Boots?