Once again, the Simpsons predicted it.
Wasn’t that episode based on a real story from some company?
The only difference is, Homer’s brother was super likable and I felt bad about Homer fucking his car company 🙁
Muskrat on the other hand is a piece of shit.
The company’s profits, once the envy of the auto industry, are at their lowest in six years thanks to rampant price cutting and slowing demand.
Hm. That’s all you could think of, TheVerge? Nothing . . . nothing else that might torpedo the ol’ sales numbers there? No? Hm.
I wonder if Bill Gates still has more Tesla shorts.
Can’t make Elmo mad. He might buy it and fire everyone.
Nah, he’ll just start only printing right wing nut job rhetoric.
The electric car company thats pissing off left wing people on a daily basis is failing? But…the right LOVES renewable energy…how can this be?!
Put gas tanks on Teslas so they can hold gasoline, and the driver can buy gasoline, but it’s not actually burned in the operation of the car. Only if the battery catches fire and the whole thing explodes.
The gas tank need sto have a hole so it can pour straight to the floor, or maybe they could have a feature where every mile they drive their bank automatically donates some money to chevron or someone somewhere gets stabbed
maybe if they mount a huge
penisgun on topIs that a gun that is also a penis? Or is it a gun that shoots penises as ammo?
I’m so morally conflicted about both, since the gun is good, and the penis is evil.
Wow a Zardoz reference. Well met, Friend.
Depends on what trim level you’re willing to pay for.
Not sure saying the company is failing is accurate. Their stock is up 10% today on their news. That’s a bonkers one say jump for a company this big.
I agree they aren’t “failing” yet. But let’s put their price in proper context …
That is a 10%-12% after hours pump. All institutional sellers needed to do was lift any orders they had pinning the price down. While the price could skyrocket tomorrow morning, I think it’s more likely to get more attraction from people wanting to cut their losses. If I had millions in stock, I would want to buffer that price range with orders from people who think after hours prices mean something.
Also, it’ll take more than that little bump to improve it’s overall price:
Oh I totally agree and I’m not saying this single day is the biggest day of tesla. Just that this news isn’t singling the end either. But over all, the stock price has done stupidly well. 800% increase in 5 years for a company this size. Absolutely wild, in any context. I have no money in it and don’t plan to, nor will I buy a car from them just to make it clear I’m not a fan boy.
Would you have called GameStop a thriving company before GME? Stock market and reality do not always align.
Would I call GME a thriving stock before the hype? I do think their stock price was a little undervalued before the hype, and I think it’s a little over valued now. I certainly agree stock price is not always 1:1 of a company’s health, but it is a fantastic indication for outsiders. But to say telsa is failing because of this news I think is incorrect. Also, to say their stock is doing poorly by any metric I would also say is incorrect. I’m no Wallstreet broker though.
GameStop is a dying company. All I’ve seen in my life are more and more GameStop shops closing down around me.
Fair enough. If you really are that confident then buy some short positions and rake in the cash! I’m done playing those games as it’s too volitile and I’m too bad lol mutual funds for me because I can admit I can’t see the future of companies
The whole point is that the market’s irrational, why would I buy shorts and basically gamble away my money? The literal point of this thread chain is that the stock value is disconnected from real-world practicality.
That’s my point with my last comment. It would be gambling because no one can really tell where the company is going. People say they know company X will go up or down but never put their money where their mouth is. If a company fails, the stock will go down. If the company does well, the stock will go up. Absolutely the relationship between company health and stock valuation is a bit blurred, but they are clearly closely related.
Even if he sold Tesla and they are no longer associated, they won’t get a sale from me. In my mind, they and their products are tainted. I hate them with a fervor especially after all the bullshit they pulled against high speed rail. Fuck Tesla.
Doesn’t help that they have a strong reputation for shite quality. It’s really just numerous layers for most of us:
- Product/brand is tainted (as you say).
- Declining quality of their products.
- Reputation (warranted or not) of many Tesla drivers being clueless idiots behind the wheel.
- Still too many embarrassing Musk fans closely associated with Tesla (related to the first point).
- Prices still too high for many.
Not to mention,
Anti-repair company that forces you to go into certified Tesla Repair servicers. Potential for obsoletion is high, and so is the potential that they could disable/downgrade older models remotely.
They make most of their money by paying engineers incredibly low wages.
- Aggressively Anti Union
- Overuse of touch screen controls
- Poor repairability (nearly all EVs have lower maintenance costs than gas vehicles, but its not clear Teslas do)
Why would they want to cool demand? Anyways, they are doing a pretty good job at it, even if it’s a struggle. /s
I’ve been scoping out EVs and Teslas are just not even slightly on my radar as a potential option. They come off entirely untrustworthy as a company
And all their designs are dated.
It’s like they have the opinion that they got it perfect first try.
I’m not a fan of Apple style the same but slightly improved each year, but for a. Investment like that, I want there to be a difference in build quality at the lowest end of the spectrum.
Tesla just pushes the exact same thing with new promises of full auto driving
They’re neat, If it weren’t for Musk I’d buy one tomorrow.
What a ridiculous title! No one buys cooling from Tesla ever since the sugar got stuck in my teeth so I had to brush the heck out of thems that can’t do, teach.
Model 3 Long Range is still nearly $50k. They’ll have to cut more for me to even consider. Also; they’d need to fire Elon Musk and deny him his $54 billion pay package.
No Tesla for meeeeeeee!
Shockingly there’s not enough fan boys out there to keep them afloat.
I respectable amount of high income individuals would love to have premium long range EVs. Nobody wants to be associated with him. Nobody wants to wait around for 6 hours while the car gets towed if it has a serious breakdown, and nobody wants to deal with resale problems.
The charging network is good, the cars still have some tech in them that is ahead of the competition. But they’re pushing the tech too far they’re taking a page out of Apple’s book and not listening to what people want.
If you’re not going to listen to your customers and you have a horrible image problem, You’re going to have a bad time.
I don’t want my car to be a political statement, thank you.
Besides not wanting to buy a product from Musk buying a Tesla simply isn’t an option.
On the newest Model 3 they removed the stalks, I don’t want to press a button on a steering wheel to use the blinker (Doing that in a roundabout sounds like a nightmare).
Besides that Musk seems to think he can do whatever he wants with OTA updates. I wouldn’t want to buy a car that might have some function changed or disabled the next time I’m using it.
Plenty of other manufacturers at this point to choose from.
seems to think he can do whatever he wants with OTA updates.
Maybe, and face lawsuits left and right. So far the effect of this has been overwhelmingly positive. This is the first car I’ve had where bug fixes might actually happen, where I have gotten new feature after I bought it, where (some) recalls just happen without any effort from me.
- Did you try it? Some people seem to like it. I dunno, haven’t tried it
- That’s only on new model 3 since last fall. Other models don’t do that, nor do older ones
I already can’t hit the song selection forward/backward button consistently while the wheel is turned. Especially in a roundabout where I always indicate on exit. I don’t have to try it, steering wheel buttons for driving functions fucking suck.
Guess it’s a good thing that multi billion dollar payout to Musk got cancelled
He’s trying again.
Having a complete fecking tosspiece at the helm might also have something to do with it…