On my Android phone, switching away from Liftoff to another app usually causes it to unload. So, when I switch back, it loses the scrolling position I had left, which means I have to start again at the top. Other apps on my phone don’t do this, and apps used before Liftoff don’t get unloaded, so I don’t think this is a memory usage issue.
Has anyone else noticed the same?
I have this issue too. In fact, I’ve had it lose its place when coming back from the lockscreen.
I also have this happen to me, yeah.
Ive have not had this issue with liftoff but I had that issue with boost for reddit. I had change some setting or permissions for it and that fixed it. Sadly I ca t remember what those were
I have the app set to deep sleep (Samsung) & yet it always maintains postion once opened & switching back to it…so I haven’t noticed any reloads…
Yep. While reading this I opened the camera to take one picture, came right back and Liftoff was back at the top of the feed…
I’m not entirely sure whether this is caused by the same problem, but even after following a link in the comments, I often return to the top of the default page (in my case feddit.de./subscribed/hot) instead of the comment section of the post or at least the previously chosen configuration (for example feddit.de/all/active) and position.