• Azal@pawb.social
    5 months ago

    Hooooooooooooooooooboy. Mainly, he got lucky in time. WARNING, WALL OF TEXT

    This is a continuation of the build up to the original civil war in America, when post reconstruction under a President who was sympathetic to the confederates after Lincoln was assassinated. You’ve had generations still calling for civil war (spend 30 minutes around a group of Texans and see if you can get out without hearing them declaring Texas never signed to become part of the union again). With the “war of northern aggression” myths that are pervasive you’ve got people believing that it was DC that invaded the south instead of the south attacking first, as well as “states rights” making it seem like big government is picking on the states.

    Into the racism territory, the original civil war was about slavery. Full stop. If you have questions, please refer to declarations of causes of secession from Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas (which its formation was specifically stealing it from Mexico to become a slaveholding state), Virginia, then look at the Constitution of the CSA Article I, Sec. 9(4), Article IV, Sec 2(1)(3), Sec 3(3). States rights indeed.

    This may seem odd to dredge up all of that but living in the South this has been the drum I grew up around my entire life and spoken of as gospel. Am a descendant of a Confederate officer and people tell my family that we should be proud… I’m proud of my parents for responding that he’s a traitorous piece of shit and deserved to be hung. This offends the locals in modern era. Now with jobs that had me traveling, you find the Virginia battle standard (that’s not the Confederate flag, the actual Confederate flag is mostly white, then they changed it to the “blood dipped banner” with a red strip at the end because the actual flag looked too much like a flag of surrender… ironically changed the month they surrendered. Whoops) all over the country in small communities. It’s weird to see “It’s heritage, not hate” in Ohio. So the ghosts of the Civil War are not yet gone.

    But lets get out of the Civil War and move to more modern wounds the country still has festering. The Civil Rights act when taught in schools is almost treated like it was ancient history… my dad’s high school cancelled prom because the principal would not have the first integrated prom in the state, people are still alive from that era and anyone thinks hatred was overblown, Eisenhower had to send the 101st Airborne and federalize the Arkansas National Guard to protect 9 students because the Governor mobilized the National Guard to bar their way into the school. Following Ike, you had JFK a Democrat who ran with LBJ, the running mate was chosen because LBJ was your old school southern Democrat, wildly racist, which spoke the language of the very angry South. JFK was pushing integration, but as VP, LBJ actually seemed to spearhead it harder than JFK, and when he became President after JFKs assassination made it a point to continue integration full steam ahead (not a saint, his words to people still racist… he was a complicated figure in history). He signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1968, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and changed politics in the country for the foreseeable future, the Southern “Dixiecrats” felt betrayed by the Democratic party. This was added on by the Southern Strategy pushed by Nixon and his political strategist Kevin Philips.

    The words of Phillips himself in 1970, warning: language of the era

    From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don’t need any more than that… but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That’s where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats.

    During the Nixon era, the War on Drugs started up. Former Nixon Domestic Policy Chief John Ehrlichman told outright the war on drugs was made because you couldn’t arrest people for being against the war or black, so tie weed with hippies and blacks with heroin and now they had a ready made excuse to disrupt communities, arrest leaders, raid homes, and vilify them on the news. Another one of those talking points of the Republicans you hear about today was a Nixon favorite “the Silent Majority”. We all know about the Watergate Scandal, and if you don’t good lord a writeup of it would take up more than I’ve written now, but an overreach of Nixons power and lead to his impeachment trials. So Nixon is a shamed president, we don’t need to look at him anymore… Except many of his policies are quietly still used by the Republicans, which shouldn’t be a surprise, one of President Trump’s political consultants, Roger Stone, has a tattoo of Nixon on his back.

    Against the war… RIGHT, another boogeyman of the US: Communism. Understand Fascism, Socialism (often attributed to Communism, since we’re talking US politics, the words are interchangeable even though in reality they are not), and Anarchy were political theories that butted heads about the same time. During WWII it was even in the US “we gotta stop the communists” and of course the Cold War made it worse. Containment, the US doctrine to prevent the spread of Communism started roughly with Truman, as put in by Nixon on the trying to go against hippies, the attitude continued and still Communism is a bad word today. Good lord that discussion is its own article, but good to remember that we have situations like McArthyism, a second Hooverism where persecution against left wing individuals under the guise of “weeding out communists” has happened and getting called for now where people were encouraged to turn in people suspected of communist sympathies, happened a lot in Hollywood, so a distrust of the conservative crowd of the liberals and such like the “Hollywood Elite” is ingrained in our society for nearly a century.

    THE MODERN REPUBLICAN PARTY, good lord we finally got here. It can really be chalked up to their patron saint Ronald Reagan. Old Ronald pushed a lot of the economics that are still worshiped by the right wing today, as well as much of the political control. He was an odd duck, not a politician, but an actor who got a cult of personality going and a massive following that felt he could do no wrong. Wonder who that sounds like? No idea. Again, another point where I could go a long time how his administration shaped the country but there’s a really important one that explains how we got here. The 11th commandment

    Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.

    Look at the Republicans for decades after that. They softballed each other while holding Democrats to a higher standard. Republican does something distatetful the Republicans would protect, but a Democrat do something and hang them out to dry. This became the main doctrine of the Republicans, lockstep together and do not faulter. Clinton sleeps with someone, Impeachment trial, W starts wars with countries not involved in 9/11 nada, Obama and Biden impeachment inquiries for… reasons? The republicans started their “win at all costs” move, a lot spearheaded by Mitch McConnell (yet another… good lord long article)

    This is going to seem like an aside, but is important, during this, 9/11 happened and the real advent of 24/7 news cycles showed up. This will be important because this beast lives on advertising, it’s a for profit business, and so keeping butts in chairs and eyes glued to the screen is very important.

    So in comes the turd in the punchbowl, Donald Trump. He doesn’t believe in rules. He is more intimate with guys in drag than the truth. He’s ran as a democrat to get president, failed miserably. Ran as republican, failed miserably. But the perfect storm happened. A black guy is in the White House! 24/7 news is blasting anything they can. Trump has been able to stay in media and keep crowds entertained, honestly his true talent is working crowds. So he finds that “birther” conspiracy and ran with it, all the major news networks were happy to parade Trump on and give him free publicity, Fox because he’s helping spread hate against the Democrats, CNN and MSNBC happy to show him off because “haha, look at the dumb conspiracy nut” and gave him ALL of the press. Then the primaries came after Obama, and a pile of Republicans, all following the 11th commandment are together, being nice, cordial, while jockying for who’s in charge. And Trump ignored the rules, tore each and every one of them apart, so the divisions of a pile of candidates who softballed and he threw elbows landed him the nomination.

    I want this understood, this is still VERY MUCH an ELI5, truncated and painted with the broadest brush explanation of what’s going on. I could go into fuckups of the Democrats, that Bill was the beginning of the end of the actual left wing to corporatism or the running of Hillary being a dumb move, but you asked about what did Trump tap into. The TLDR is “We’re still dealing with shit that came up before Lincoln was elected.”

    • JayleneSlide@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Holy hell! This was the most succinct, concise, and “yeah, your high school history textbooks whitewashed all this shit” summary of the modern Conservative political machine. It’s like Robert Evans, Matt Taibbi, Jake Hanrahan, and Kurt Andersen had a love child that came out as a summary text.

      If anyone got to my comment here, but only skimmed parent comment, please do yourself a favor and bask in that bit.

      • Azal@pawb.social
        5 months ago

        Damn, that’s high praise, thank you! It makes me feel better because I woke up fighting myself on “Oh man I wrote way too long a rant” and “DAMMIT! I didn’t even mention the Evangelicals worming their way into politics!”

        To everyone else, reading this… read about history folks! I, like everyone else, thought history was boring in school. If I were to put on my tin foil hat, I worry it’s done on purpose as it helps realize nothing happening is actually all that new. And it’s rather easy to do, put a coach as the history teacher who just hands you a textbook and makes you regurgitate names and numbers that don’t mean anything but meets criteria (No Child Left Behind, Bush Era for me) just makes everyone hate history.

        Yes, I did drop names, policies, and a few dates, but those are examples to point to and you better believe I don’t remember a single one of those by heart, I have to look them up when I reference them. The theory is there, and once you get into devouring the actual meat of history it is absolutely bloody fascinating.

  • halfwaythere@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Racism. Christian extremism. Both not exclusive to themselves. Both have felt ignored and feed on the the thoughts of being victims due to their “unpopular” beliefs. There is much more to this subject but this is the best I can simplify it.

    • Boozilla@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      It’s essentially these two things. And it’s easy to see from any political map that these divides line up really well along rural vs urban areas. People who live in cities have learned how to live together and tolerate each other (even if they don’t necessarily like each other). People in rural areas think of themselves as the ‘backbone’ of the country because or our early agrarian and later industrial development as a country. And in many ways, they really were. Farmers, miners, factory workers, etc.

      But time has left them behind with factory farms, overseas production, robot factories, renewable energy, etc. They blame “the other” for their problems. The “other” or “the enemy” in their minds is often “big city” people with darker skin, or “academic pinheads” or “government bureaucrats” or basically anyone but themselves. To them, hearing news about something like climate change or same sex marriage is an “attack on their way of life and traditional values”. They haven’t learned how to adapt or take proper stock of their situation. They only know how to lash out at “the other”.

      If rural people would calm the fuck down and gain some perspective, they could see that they have a lot in common with working people in urban areas. For example, we’re all being fucked over by greedy corporations and a tiny number of people with way too much money and power. But those same powerful elites do a masterful job of pitting all of us working class slobs against each other. This both amuses them and keeps us divided so we don’t build the guillotines. The country being ever on the brink of civil war is very much intentional.

      And of course there are guys like Steve Bannon, who is like a comic book villain. Guys like that really do want to see it all burn to the ground so it can be rebooted in some fantasy world where “bitter old white males like me rule again”.

      • corroded@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        I’m interested to see if this rural/urban divide is going to shift in the future. With the ballooning cost of real estate and the rise of remote work, a lot of urban liberals are moving to more rural areas.

        There’s certainly a group of people that enjoy city life, but a lot of people (myself included) just want some peace and quiet and only lived in or near cities to be close to work.

        • jjjalljs@ttrpg.network
          5 months ago

          People are interesting. People produce culture. Cities are where people are. Cities are always going to be more interesting and more cultural.

          You want to start a band in nowhere, Utah? Ok, well, you’re going to have a lot fewer people interested in joining or watching than a city of any size.

          Some stuff might move online. But I’m reminded of an interview I read during the pandemic. Someone was asked “what can I do at an in person party I can’t do online?”. The other person replied, “fuck people.” So there’s that. In-person social stuff matters.

          So like yeah I guess it might be cheaper but it’s probably going to be less interesting just because there’s fewer people around.

          • corroded@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            If you feel that way, then you probably should live in a city. Some people prefer city life; there’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s not for everyone. I have no desire to be around other people, and the “cultural” aspect of urban living holds no interest to me. I get enough human interaction through work. At home, I want to be un-bothered by other people and go about my business in solitude.

            • jjjalljs@ttrpg.network
              5 months ago

              I do live in a city and wouldn’t have it any other way.

              You don’t consume movies books television music art? Variety of food?

              I recognize that some people want to be hermits but that makes me uneasy. But like, whatever, it takes all kinds I guess. Not a fan of subsidizing anti social behavior though. Lots of roads and highways and shipping and such to support people living in isolation.

              • corroded@lemmy.world
                5 months ago

                I think you might be misunderstanding what I’m trying to say. I’m not discounting the value of human culture. I enjoy various types of art, and I am grateful for the people who produce it.

                What doesn’t interest me in the slightest is urban “culture.” By that I mean going to restaurants, attending parties, seeing live music, walking to the corner pub, etc. I haven’t done any of these things in years, and I’m happy. If I discover a musician I like, I’m going to spend some money and buy their record, but I don’t need to be surrounded by a crowd of people listening to them live.

                You mention the term “anti-social behavior,” but that doesn’t describe everyone who’d rather live in a rural area than a city. Some of us just like our peace and quiet. As far as subsidizing roads and shipping to rural areas, you like to eat, right? Where do you think the food came from? You live in a house or an apartment, right? Where did the wood, concrete, and raw materials come from? A huge amount of agriculture and production comes from rural areas, and it’s always going to be necessary to have roads and infrastructure to support this. The fact that I live in the same area that supplied your food doesn’t mean that your tax dollars are paying for roads solely so that I can drive on them.

                I understand that people like you enjoy the busy life of a city and that you can legitimately take advantage of what a city offers. I’m not like that. Large gatherings of people don’t make me happy; they just make me want to leave. My original argument was that a lot of people live in cities because they have to for work. Some of them, like you, live in cities because it makes them happy. For the people that live in urban areas because they have to, I was speculating that many of them might move to more rural areas given the option. I’m not trying to shit on your lifestyle (although I do have strong negative opinions about bicycles on roadways), and I would hope that you extend the same courtesy. Life is short, and in a perfect world, everyone could live in a place that they enjoy.

    • grue@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Don’t underestimate the sexism (particularly gamergate 4chan incels).

      • NelDel@lemmy.one
        5 months ago

        Gamergate essentially created and unified the modern alt-right as we see it today, it should absolutely be in consideration towards modern political discourse.

  • Diplomjodler@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    The far right have been stoking hate and resentment for decades. But before Trump they always tried to maintain an air of respectability as well as plausible deniability. Then came Trump and threw all that out of the window. Also he has a talent to spout any nonsense with utter conviction. That is perceived as authenticity by the people who feel left out by the political process and that are simply too dumb to understand any nuanced discussion.

    • Don_Dickle@lemmy.worldOP
      5 months ago

      After reading of what you wrote reminds me of Hitler when we learned in grade school. So if he gets elected American’s a pretty fucked.?

      • pete_the_cat@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        Yep, he’s literally Hitler, just without the mass genocide (yet).

        We’ve always wondered how so many people followed Hitler, now we know

        • XTL@sopuli.xyz
          5 months ago

          There is plenty of genocide, war, and all that. It’s just done at a sustainable pace and mostly in places that don’t look like US soil. Hitler rushed and got a reaction. This time it’s going to be worse.

      • fluckx@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        Have a gander at project 2025 if you want to know what that future looks like.

        • Don_Dickle@lemmy.worldOP
          5 months ago

          I and hate to admit it have read it all. And I never thought I would say it but one book made me feel unclean, dirty, and really question America so much I may find work elsewhere.

  • CanadaPlus@lemmy.sdf.org
    5 months ago

    A large amount of angry, angry disillusioned people. I’m culturally close enough to understand a bit, if not 100% of it. There’s been a lot of cultural change really fast in the West, and increasingly bad economic conditions for the poor, rural and/or uneducated at the same time. As a result, a bubble of people who are completely reactionary and want to tear down the establishment has formed. Trump just managed to mobilize them.

    The part I don’t really get is the appeal of the guy himself. It’s like they want to inflict him on the people they’re angry at, as if he’s a weapon and not a leader who will be in charge of them.

    • MataVatnik@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Yeah, lot of bitterness from perceived left wing elitism that they feel derided them and marginalized them, Trump is not a political platform, it’s just resentment.

      • CanadaPlus@lemmy.sdf.org
        5 months ago

        As fascism always is.

        They could have picked someone who’s not transparently a crayon-eating moron, though…

        • blackbelt352@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          I don’t think fascism is capable of producing competent longterm leadership. Like the ideology preselects for loyalty above all, it’s rabidly anti-intellectual and scorns anyone perceived as being an intellectual elitist. It’s purely emotion driven and requires ever escalating emotional rhetoric to keep the based angry at external all-powerfully weak enemies (lazy mexicans stealing your jobs, sneaky jewish bankers crashed the entire economy, thuggish high school dropout gangbangers in the inner city are criminal masterminds responsible for all the drugs flowing through rural communities who would overrun everything if they were smart enough to unify, take your pick of contradictory scapegoat.)

          That’s not to say incompetence means harmlessness, there’s a lot of blood that has been spilled throughout history due to incompetence.

          • CanadaPlus@lemmy.sdf.org
            5 months ago

            Well, they certainly got straight to the point this time. The last time it took a world war before they really started to shit the bed. I’m grateful, if confused.

            • blackbelt352@lemmy.world
              5 months ago

              Well… were not on the other side of this yet. Were still in the sort of early 1930s Germany era where the real problems people face haven’t gotten all that much better, and the fascists have made many decently successful smaller attempts at power but haven’t quite succeeded in that big push for power. like the stuff that is planned in project 2025.

              • CanadaPlus@lemmy.sdf.org
                5 months ago

                Yes, fingers crossed Kamala wins and we get another 4 years, at least (us in the rest of the world included).

        • hydroptic@sopuli.xyz
          5 months ago

          Considering that both Mussolini and Hitler were also incompetent fucking morons, it’s no surprise that modern fascists also pick leaders like them.

          They’re sending their best.

          • radix@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            Trump represents modern conservatism, but he himself? I’m not sure he actually stands for a whole lot beyond his own orange bubble.

            He’s mostly a blank slate (philosophically and intellectually) that the people around him can use to get their agendas enacted. He surrounds himself with sycophants and bootlickers, so as long as they promise him wealth and power, he is content to parrot the talking points he’s given.

            Steven Miller, Steve Bannon, Alex Jones, and all the others…those are the real evil motherfuckers. When Trump is out of the picture, they’ll find some other half-wit to puppet. The fight won’t end when one figurehead fades in to history.

            idk, just one dude’s thoughts.

            (Just to be clear, none of that absolves him of the real damage he’s done. Malicious indifference is still malicious.)

            • CanadaPlus@lemmy.sdf.org
              5 months ago

              I suspect one of them would directly take his place, actually. Trump is kind of an anomaly in not having redeeming qualities himself, if you look around the world and through history.

          • CanadaPlus@lemmy.sdf.org
            5 months ago

            They were absolute geniuses compared to Trump, and put on a far more convincing show of honesty - particularly Hitler, with his faux-compassionate warmups and vegetarianism. Mussolini had an actual career as an intellectual before he was famous. Hitler sounds kind of intellectually average.

            • hydroptic@sopuli.xyz
              5 months ago

              Mussolini had an actual career as an intellectual

              Well, he certainly considered himself to be an intellectual. Whether he actually was one is another matter entirely

              • CanadaPlus@lemmy.sdf.org
                5 months ago

                He made an actual living as a newspaper editor, and got some good reviews according to Wikipedia, so apparently he convinced other people too. At the very least, he could pass.

    • Etterra@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      They do. They can’t lash out directly, so they are him as a legal way to do so indirectly.

      • CanadaPlus@lemmy.sdf.org
        5 months ago

        They have to know it’s them next, right? I mean, clearly not, but that’s where I can’t mentally “be” them anymore. The rest is relatable, if mean.

    • kersploosh@sh.itjust.works
      5 months ago

      It’s like they want to inflict him on the people they’re angry at, as if he’s a weapon

      This completely nails it. Trump’s lack of a filter and eagerness to pick fights makes him look like a fearless champion for his followers. He isn’t going to pull punches or compromise with anyone.

      A very conservative relative of mine likened supporting Trump to hiring a sleazy but effective lawyer: his personality and methods are irrelevant; you hired him to achieve specific results and the only thing that matters is his ability to achieve those results. If it makes the opposition scream then that’s just added entertainment.

      • HiddenLychee@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        What I don’t get is he had four years already to achieve results and all he did was make the country worse off, but somehow everyone seems to have forgotten that 😭

        • CanadaPlus@lemmy.sdf.org
          5 months ago

          Yes, but he hurt the right people. Or at least put on a show of doing it, somehow Mexico got out of USMCA just fine.

  • HobbitFoot @thelemmy.club
    5 months ago

    American politics has been described as a two party system, but it is really a one and a half party system. One party creates a winning political coalition while the minority party has to deal with the remains. Sometimes the minority party wins major elections, but it is generally rare.

    There are two ways the parties shift or reorganize.

    The first is when one party collapses. Most recent examples were Republicans in 1932 and Democrats in 1968. The majority party messes up so much that it is blatantly apparent that they aren’t going to win elections any more and the transfer of power is rather peaceful.

    The second is due to mainly demographic change as the majoriry party becomes the minority party. This is generally more risky for democracies as the shift is gradual and there isn’t a firm reason parties to switch. There is also more electoral chaos as votes are a lot closer.

    One example was the Election of 1800, where Southern and Westward expansion in the country had led Jefferson and Burr to beat Adams, but then there was a stalemate on who would be picked. While a political solution was found in the end, militias were being drawn up and there was a growing threat of civil war.

    The second example was the Civil War. While Lincoln won a minority of votes, it was apparent that future elections would likely be won by the party of thr North due to increasing immigration.

    It seems like Trump is tapping into this demographic fear. More educated voters vote Democratic and the populace is becoming more educated. Outside of Florida, it appears that voters are choosing to move to Republican Sun belt states and voting Democrat. What was thought of as a party collapse in 2008 is turning out to be a demographic shift instead. So, the former dominant party is fighting back to delay or prevent the shift.

  • MrJameGumb@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    He basically told all the racists, homophobes, transphobes, xenophobes, and anyone else who feels they’re entitled to more than anyone else that they were right and they don’t need to maintain any air of dignity or even basic human compassion about it anymore.

    Look at that list and you’ll see it’s all people who base their whole identity around hatred of things they’re afraid of or don’t understand. That’s what he tapped into, ignorance and fear.

  • Despotic Machine@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    5 months ago

    His televised narcissistic collapse (now in it’s 13th year) has emboldened every Archie Bunker wannabe, vacuous contrarian, all the racist chucklefucks, and miscellaneous shitstains the country has to offer. The rest of the people are sick and tired of having their empathy and compassion mocked and derided, their hopes and dreams dashed, and their future turned into nightmare fuel.

    Yes, he was always a privileged asshole devoid of human compassion or understanding, but this is the moment at the WHCD on 4/30/2011 where he broke beyond repair: https://v.redd.it/sk0jqm81r5kd1

    • Fonzie!@ttrpg.network
      5 months ago

      every Archie Bunker wannabe, vacuous contrarian, all the racist chucklefucks, and miscellaneous shitstains the country has to offer. The rest of the people are sick and tired of having their empathy and compassion mocked and derided, their hopes and dreams dashed

      I couldn’t help but to read this in the most tired, South London accent ever.

  • ChronosTriggerWarning@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    See, all the really open minded citizens in America were just so happy when the country elected a black guy as president that they just had to go out and share that joy with the rest of the world!

  • AbouBenAdhem@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Among other factors, I think humans have a certain instinctive drive: when there’s a broad sense of social malaise—when lots of people feel there’s something wrong with their social institutions, but there’s no consensus on how to remedy it—they gravitate toward whatever thing the social establishment seems most afraid of, because in our deep history that’s been an effective way to break out of dangerous institutional stasis.

    Depending on the social establishment at the time, that anti-establishment movement could take many forms—religious, ideological, nationalistic, etc. So I think Trumpism is an inevitable reaction to the rise of the neoliberal establishment under Clinton and the Bushes: the underlying cause of the neoliberal malaise is economic, but the most visible social anxieties are over racism, sexism, and other social factors. So that creates a feedback loop of growing fear that attracts those feeling a general sense of discontent.

  • intensely_human@lemm.ee
    5 months ago

    As long as you only get the opinions of people who don’t support Trump, you’ll never understand this.

    • Donkter@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      How do you mean?

      I get that you’re implying that people who don’t support Trump can’t know what goes on in a Trump supporters head or understand the movement (not true).

      But if you can’t explain it yourself then you simply can’t know what you’re talking about, you don’t even understand what it is that they’ll never understand! How would you be able to know if they are able to understand or not!?

      • intensely_human@lemm.ee
        5 months ago

        No, people who don’t support Trump are perfectly capable of understanding Trump supporters’ reasons.

        It’s just that they don’t, and don’t try to either.

        • Donkter@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          Yeah, but you haven’t explained it either in two posts now which says to me that you don’t know and you’re just being contrarian.

  • revelrous@sopuli.xyz
    5 months ago

    Vast inequality in a society built upon a white supremacist/patriarchal power structure.

      • AA5B@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        It’s hard to influence anyone to “destroy the structure”, they think they need it. However the “vast inequality” gets support from at least half the population

        • Everyone wants better schools, even those misguided enough to micromanage schools in their own image.
        • Everyone wants the workers they know to be treated fairly, even if they can’t apply that to the general Population and believe unions are wrong
      • revelrous@sopuli.xyz
        5 months ago

        I’m stuck on the convincing people it exists step—too much of an asshole to be an ambassador I guess. Fight for public schools, and access to healthcare, and the arts. No better tools than health, knowledge, and a shared language of empathy. Embrace every opportunity to put self-sufficiency back in the hands normal people instead of further consolidating under the control of rich white fucks. Even if it costs you something, or if you won’t see the benefits right now. Buy local. Try and keep those profiting from your labor within metaphorical punching distance, should they ever need a metaphorical pop. Show up for local elections, run in local elections if you have a soul. If you care and are willing to learn you will be a godsend to some of your local boards.

        The more the ruling elite have, the more they rig the system for themselves, the more the way to squeak up or cling to a rung on the ladder of prosperity is to emulate them, the more a narrative of superiority calcifies, the more stratified and shit people become. Trump tells them that’s fine, the truth is what feels the most comfortable. Not to think critically about how we got here because for his ilk the system is lining the pockets intended. Tells them to stop doing the painful work of looking within and pulling up any pernicious roots they might have grown out of; that it is okay to close their eyes to any consequences and causation if it makes them uneasy. Rural places more vulnerable to Trump’s rhetoric are more than capital poor. There’s nothing there to shake up these narratives before they harden and he’s telling them that’s not a tragedy, but cause for celebration.

        • Don_Dickle@lemmy.worldOP
          5 months ago

          LOL not laughing at you but you remind me of one of my brothers who currently sits on the city council in our home town. And he uses there own speech/weapons against them since they are all pro douchebag except my brother. When they wanted to ban books he showed up reading one while they talked and when they came to him to place his vote he said oh I am sorry I was reading a banned book and then read it allowed until his time passed and since it required all of them to vote he abstained by just reading outloud from a book that would get banned. He read the whole thing whitch took an hour until the rest got pissed off and gave up. We don’t know where he gets it from or how the hell he was elected but he is a huge smartass. So in our county no books got banned because of him. He still pisses them off by putting is feet up on the table so much they had to do a ruling about it. I think at some point in his life he read a handbook of polotics or something and uses the grey area pretty much to his own free will. Thats enough for now…I appreciate you writing all that out and it was very inciteful…no sarcasm.

  • Drewelite@lemmynsfw.com
    5 months ago

    Big question with a lot of nuance and different angles you could approach from. What I think will clarify some things: the emotional side of liberal vs conservatives is that one side sees how humanity could be better and strives for that change, while the other worries that we’ll get worse and resist the change.

    Well for quite some time, things have been rapidly changing like no other time in history due in large part to advancements in technology. Both sides can see that we’ve ended up in some dark places as a result and generally the world is more confusing, divided, and stressful than ever.

    In reality there is a lot of great progress that we’ve made in recent times. But people who are slow to adapt don’t see it that way, which makes them extremely uncomfortable and left feeling like it totally justifies their philosophy. But nobody is listening because the popular media shuts them out.

    So basically they’re throwing a huge temper tantrum and trying to kick over the sand castle everyone else has worked so hard to build, because they feel fed up, self-righteous, and ignored. They don’t see it that way, of course, they feel they’re renegades tearing down a godless society and saving the world. They vote for a buffoon because they’re tired of that idea being weaponized against them, so they’re owning it. With him they’re able to take center stage and be so loud and in your face that you can’t ignore them.

  • Kaboom@reddthat.com
    5 months ago

    Tldr: The media attacked him, turned him into a symbol of unhappiness.

    America isn’t doing so great. Unemployment is high, inflation is spiraling out of control, wild habitats are being bulldozed, hell it’s getting hard to put food on the table.

    I think even lemmy can agree that the economy isn’t doing so well.

    Back in the 80s, we had factories, with unions. NAFTA decided that America should send most of our factories to Mexico and beyond. Immigration went up, importing cheap labor, basically scabs.

    The Democrats, who claimed to be for the common worker, made a farce of it, saying “they took our jobs” was racist. And you know what, those jobs weren’t stolen, there were given away.

    Every year, year after year, it gets worse. Politicians on both sides are lying to our faces and won’t do jack shit to bring in tariffs or lower immigration.

    Then comes Trump. He’s a fucking scumbag just like every other politician, but at least he attempts to pander to the millions affected. And then the media started attacking him.

    This just made him look like someone who might actually be on our side. Sure, he might fuck over every other country, but God damn it, America comes first, not Mexico, not China, not the EU, America comes first.