Clickbait title
If no one votes, it wont look like he was embarrassingly beaten.
That honestly seems like a pretty fucking good idea to me. If you are a dumb republican who can’t make the right choice for his country’s leadership, just don’t vote. Here you even have your moronic presidential candidate telling you this.
we should get the election boycott idea into his head, combined with the idea that he’s behind in the polls anyways
As hilarious as this is, how in the ever loving fuck does this post belong in the shitpost community? There are plenty of more appropriate comms for this.
It’s a pretty shit post tbf
Think its kinda a “not the onion” shitpost. Wouldn’t believe it if it was posted anywhere else.
Put that on billboards in swing districts. Can’t be sued for libel because he said it. Might get Republicans but to vote. Shows on the fence voters how dumb he is (although at this point…)
His base won’t care about that. Do you know what a hyprcrite is?