This is becoming another Reddit
I browse through memes and all of a sudden I find another post that slanders religion.
This meme does not talk about scripture nor does it mention the actual teachings of current mainstream faiths. It just likes to mock others and swerve them into hating their religion.
The only requirement to actually start believing in religion is to accept that God CAN exist (agnosticism), the next step would just be to read through the right religious scriptures.
This is a hot take, but I’m sure a meme slandering your precious homos and trans buddies that’s similar to this post would cause a huge ton of backlash. Just saying, this is pretty much just another degenerate subreddit now.
See our gay and trans friend EXIST.
That’s why it would be rude. God doesn’t.
But you see he isn’t pissed at you attacking God, he is pissed at you attacking religious people, who didn’t do anything to you (don’t you dare generalize) and you are just being rude, and can’t let people enjoy their thing.
But I didn’t attack anybody existing or not. Plus religious people did terrible things to humanity we are allowed to make fun of that.
As I said don’t generalize. I, as a relegious person, who didn’t commit any of those terrible things, nor do I approve of them do feel targeted by this. I mean, this meme could be used as a great joke in a good context. I just think putting it on the internet without any of that is not a good thing, as it just seems like an unprovoked attack.
you dont approve of them then why are you a follower of said religions that still advocate for terrible things?
Right now I don’t see them doing “terrible things”. I do not approve of things like burning people in the middle ages and such. You could make an argument about, for example sexual minorities being oppressed by them, but right now even that is getting fixed.
“my fellow nazi dont kill much people anymore so i guess its chill”
i get the comparison is extreme but most organised religions literally are against any lgbtq people existing and more. Based on nothing, made up stories and you are here with your functioning human logic telling me thats ok and i shouldnt even joke about it???
That comma changes the meaning of what you are trying to convey op. Just remove the comma. :)
In this moment, you are euphoric.
Not because of any phony god’s blessing.
The upper right panel does not sit right with me
Why, can’t you fly like the rest of us?
I think the guy on the right’s eyes should be rounder, because he looks angry/sceptical still
Don’t rope me into you sick mind.
Are you going to tell us why, or leave us hanging?
can’t hang me, I can fly
Does it fly right?
science bless us all
More importantly science isn’t afraid to admit when it’s wrong and change its working theories and models to fit all available data. Being wrong is just as if not more important to science.
Being wrong means that we now can be right again by changing our views!
And also that we can discover new shit after changing our views that will probably improve our lives.
Yeah, it’s a method - not an ideology
Absolutely not, science has a long history of ignoring and laughing at many new theories. Many of them were later found out to be true, sure, but it’s not like religion doesn’t change, reinterpret itself etc. along with the changing times.
All the while nowadays pendulum has swinged to the other side, and most of published papers are never peer-reviewed, as “science” working under a capitalist system must abide by its rules, and so quantity and shock value is more important than quality.
So while in theory “being wrong” sounds like something that would be useful for science in practice, no, it always was about being (or at least seeming) right.
(Established) scientists have a long history of ignoring new theories not science itself. But that’s because at the end of the day scientists are still human.
Science is not great at working on a very short time scales. But give it enough time so more evidence is gathered and possibly some stubborn influential people (that can’t accept a new theory) die and generally we get closer and closer to truth.
I was the 666th upvote. Going straight to hell.
This is the logical fallacy: Burden of Proof
The burden of proof lies with someone who is making a claim, and is not upon anyone else to disprove.
That’s a wild use, of a, comma…
The extra comma, though.
Literally unplayable
Oh, you don’t put, extra commas in as extra, flavor?
Your loss…,
I’m reading it on, so, I, just, read, it, like, Kirk.
Now do communism. No wonder they absolutely hate each other. Heaven in the next life or heaven 5 minutes away. “It will work this time! We can do better!”
Democracy was mostly regarded as a failure between ancient Athens and the French revolution.
The author of this meme doesn’t understand religion, or only meant Christianity.
My religion doesn’t work this way and has demonstrable proofs.
Proof like?
Honestly that would take too long to explain in a Lemmy comment, this is something that would require talking in person or reading some long form pieces. The short answer is that the Quran makes raises multiple rhetorical questions to demonstrate the existence of a Creator and even references some scientific points that people 1400 years ago would not have known (from space to embryology to future prophesies that came true). If one were to send a message to Earth 1400 years ago to demonstrate that it’s not fake, this would fit.
For the example of “clairvoyance” into future, does that mean anyone or thing coincidentally exhibit “clairvoyance” becomes something holy?
So to say, we appreciate supernatural beings, but we don’t follow everything else beside that “clairvoyance” ability?
Let say everything bound to happen, even superbeings can’t change it. Then we have option to try prescribed method or science method, to deal with such arrangement. No harm trying, since even god doesn’t want to change the bad things away, anyways, right. Might as well die trying the science ways. If such, what else left for people to follow those teachings, if they don’t want to explain such teachings’ reasons? Right?
Just my thoughts…
Ok so you got nothing
“Prove to me that Covid vaccines work. Oh, you won’t summarize immunology and epidemiology in a single Lemmy post while people call you a liar? So there’s no proof then.”
That’s how you sound. I’m not going to AGAIN write a long post proving something that nobody here will bother to read. You have access to whole libraries online, and I can point you to good resources and explanations but I can’t teach people who don’t care.
Just name 1 or stfu
None of those prove anything, they’re just random statements that are true (ish), especially the one about pairs is funny because that completely depends on whatever you consider a pair and what you even consider real
Hmm ok none of those claims would prove that Islam is real and god is a thing. Can you tell us why you think they did?
I’m no scholar of science (like scholar of religion), but I think science allow ordinary people to share science understanding.
So about the COVID vaccines, I’ll just say, chickenpox vaccines stopped deaths from smallpox. So, COVID vaccines will stop deaths from COVID. And anyone can come at me with better facts and numbers.
But religion just disallow all discussions, only scholar can do teachings. This one sided teaching, doesn’t allow fact checking, hence the stupid me won’t believe easily. (We living in this era should not be easily believe everything to avoid scam, so it’s just an unbiased practice of scepticism, nothing personal against religion) I think.
Boom. There it is.
Sorry but Islam does not have demonstrable, unfalsifiable proof. Just another religion.
What religion is that
Islam actually. It’s not a dogmatic religion like Christianity and it relies on more solid proofs than Christianity.
Edit: I knew once I named the religion people would start throwing insults. That wasn’t the point, the religion has some actual scientific and philosophical proofs and does NOT require you to “just believe in something we can’t see.”
No it doesn’t they come from the same Abrahamic source, your fairytale is no more real than theirs.
Read what I said again more carefully. Islam doesn’t rely on the same proofs of Christianity or Judaism even though they have overlapping beliefs. My religion does not require you to believe a man died and came back to life, but instead points to observable scientific and philosophical truths as its basis.
“observable scientific and philosophical truths” cannot point to an existence of any sort of higher power, by the very definition of a higher power. All you can do is believe in a higher power, all religion is dogma.
That’s not at all true by definition, and you’re embracing a Christian mindset if you think that way. Other religions don’t ask you to turn off your brain and embrace dogma. Literally every aspect of Islam is up for debate and relies on reasoning and evidence to back it up.
Muhammad split the moon in half?
I have no idea, but that’s not on the list of proofs or evidence.
Sure it is. Just not your list.
It’s not a dogmatic religion like Christianity and it relies on more solid proofs than Christianity.
If you say so. I guess An-Nisa, 34 is completely provable and not dogmatic.
That’s a lame attempt at a cheap shot. I’m talking about how the Quran actually lays out scientific and philosophical arguments for the existence of God. You bringing up something unrelated doesn’t invalidate that. Grow up, troll.
By 'lays out" you mean “kinda close if you squint”.
There are no scientific arguments for the existence of god. Science requires evidence, religion requires faith. Religious people assume that scientific questions that we can’t answer are evidence of the hand of god, but they are in fact only evidence that we have more to learn about the universe.
Again, you’re talking about religion when you only mean Christianity. Islam has evidence, unlike other religions, and unlike Christianity there is no conflict between science and Islam.
You have yet to name one piece of Islam’s so-called evidence. Some of the greatest minds in history have tried and failed to prove the existence of god. I will await for you to enlighten us. By all means, please share.
“not my religion!”
Materialism here is dense
This is deep
The 125 downvotes is pretty remarkable.
You guys can see downvotes??
Some instances can, some can’t. Im on and can see downvotes
It’s no, it because this comic is cringey as heck. All it does is reinforces the notion that argument around God result in circular reasoning.
It ignores that many Christian would argue the existence of the universe is prove of God’s existence as it’s more likely an omnipotent being willed it into existence then everything happening solely by chance. Which is the prove that the punch line claims Christian screech about. Einstein himself proclaimed “God does not play dice with the universe” (Im not well read enough to debate this but I’m pretty such quantum physics disproves this quote)