Nice, I live in insufficient data!
When people comment about my weight I just turn it back on them. I’m not anxious about my weight so it’s easy to just be like, “You look like you’re eating enough for both of us!”
How does your 20% compare to other nations?
It varies
I live in a maroon state. I’m definitely overweight, I literally just checked a BMI calculator and apparently I’m a hair away from obese (that doesn’t feel accurate, but that’s what the numbers say).
I’ve been told so many times that I’m a healthy weight and I don’t need to lose weight.
Same for me. I ended up losing 20 lb and looking no different, but my waist size dropped 2 inches. My fasting blood glucose also improved, which is nice considering I have a family history of diabetes.
A BMI calculator will just use height and weight - if you have a lot of muscle bulk you’ll get a higher BMI result even if you’re lean. Conversely, some people are “thin on the outside, fat on the inside”, ie they carry a lot of visceral fat around their organs. So while BMI can be useful, it’s not perfect.
A skinny-fat build can be deceptive. I thought I just had big bones for a long time, but I was easily able to go from 205 to 185 lb without really looking any different. That dropped me from overweight BMI to normal BMI
Kentucky: “don’t bother asking”
If you look at the numbers from the state it would be dark red
As someone who moved from california to nebraska, holy shit are people out here severely overweight. Working food service makes you see it way more as well, more often than not they buy about 3 peoples worth of food, sit down, and eat it all for lunch… then complain about the price of course
Why can’t I lose weight? Drinks Soda pop
I think part of the problem is that junk food just doesn’t stick with you. It spikes your sugar and then you crash. You need to constantly be eating to maintain your energy.
Walking through the Denver airport, and seeing who lines up at what gates is startling.
In reverse, lining up for Denver from say, Houston.
I’m a red dot in Colorado. 😕
Me too. Don’t sweat it. Develop a good personality. Enjoy your life.
Yeah, I’ve got a great in-person personality. Still can stand to lose some pounds.
Be the change you want to see
I like this trend of throwing other states into the ocean. For too long Alaska and Hawaii have been floating around out there on their own!
They made Rhode Island into an island, it’s perfect
Another reason to get out of this state.
Living in a green state can’t be that bad. It’s green!
Green state, currently enjoying some green. It’s not bad at all.
Too much green, and you may crave a burrito with green chili!
I feel as if your threatening me with a good time.
That’s just cuz yo mama so fat the color wheel went all the way 'round her.
I’ve only visited Colorado once, during my cross country road trip maybe 10 years ago (I’ve since left the US) and loved it there. I did notice how much healthier/thinner everyone was. I was in Boulder for 2-3 days and did a couple day hikes. Everyone was very friendly. I would love to live there. As someone who’s on the higher side of normal weight, I’ve never felt so unfit.
Well obesity according to what metric? The notoriously outdated and inaccurate BMI?
BMI is honestly a terrible tool for individuals, (meh but I get it for larger societal groups). Everything on me is bigger than average. Size 14 US shoe, size 3x helmets. 2x gloves. My wingspan is significantly wider than I am tall (6’5" vs 5’10"). Even my bones are far wider than average. I’m no bodybuilder but I hike extremely steep hikes for fun and at least my ass and thighs have a bit of muscle.
My weight has varied over the years but even when I’m so thin I’m constantly getting questions of, “Are you alright? You’re way too thin.” I’m still just into the overweight category. For me to get to a "healthy"BMI I’d have to be sickly thin. So I just take care of what I think makes me healthy. And at 51 my only medication is a Zyrtec every day but I’m still technically solidly overweight.
That’s my point. According to BMI, the likes of Dwayne Johnson are obese so that’s why it’s worth asking what standard of obesity the graph is referencing.
If BMI is bad for measuring individual health, why would it be at all good for measuring a large population?
When I returned from Asia and landed in Denver I was shocked by how fat everyone is now. I swear I could’ve counted the number of obese people in East Asia on one hand but in the Denver airport I think it would be safe to say about 80% of the people there were noticeably obese. It certainly isn’t due to a lack of food in Asia, they practically force feed you in China.
Are you Asian? (Don’t feel pressured to answer this)
The reason I ask is that according to the CDC Asian obesity is almost non existent. I think this has to do with culture and racially motivated pressure. In the US there is a stereotype of Asians being perfect and smart. That actually comes from the time right after the US interment camps. The idea was that Asians coming out of the camps should be “good little Asians.” I wonder if the pressure put on Asians has to do with them not being overweight. I personally used to know an Asian kid in high school who was almost driven to suicide because all the teachers expected more from him because of his race. He was extremely ADHD but couldn’t get any help as he was told that Asians are smart.
I think that stereotype is also partially driven by immigration selection pressures: those that were able to immigrate would statistically skew towards higher income earners or those that have had higher education. The parents themselves are going to hold higher expectations of their kids due to their own achievements.
Sorry to hear about your friend. I’m not sure to what degree you knew him, but that’s horrible :(
I don’t have any dtata, but my manager is from China, and that’s what she always claimed. It’s not easy to emigrate from China, it’s not easy to pursue US immigration and naturalization, so there is a strong selection bias. Not necessarily smartest, but definitely the most driven people
It very much depends which gate you’re looking at. There are a whole lot of people flying through Denver to get somewhere else; not everyone in DIA is from Colorado. As someone from Denver, I can say for sure that the airport has a whole lot more fat people than you see out and about.