It’d be more forgiving if these “stopXspam” communities were just “fuckX”
You mean people really really don’t like the richest man in the world? And after all he’s done for us? So crazy
Isn’t it focused on negative news about musk? Which I enjoy, not gonna lie.
True but it’s still just weird? They don’t want to spam about Musk but… it’s literally all they fucking talk about there? It’s their entire purpose?
Do you ever see positive news posted about him anyway?
I hear he’s lost a bunch of money. That’s a definite positive in my book.
LMAO I agree
It’s been rare since he called that dude a pedophile for rescuing kids because his shitty “invention” didn’t work.
That was definitely the turning point in his general PR
Yeah, I’m interested in the occasional Musk story if something significant happens, but every little thing he does is talked about to death at this point by both people who love him and people who hate him.
Hate the guy as much as you want, there’s no denying that he’s got a lot of news outlets and people giving him attention. And positive or negative, that’s exactly what he wants.
Block the community you coward
But you’re literally doing the same thing, so congrats?
I actually kind of like hearing about his ongoing effort to waste billions of dollars and destroy his own platform, but the community is definitely misnamed. It contributes more Musk-related content than the rest of Lemmy put together.
It’s not misnamed, it was named that intentionally to consolidate the Musk spam there so other users can block the community to avoid Musk.
On reddit I always thought some users were just fed up and kept saying they are fed up, so the ones interested in the circus made a sub that was supposed to contain all the Elon news and named it after the pleas of the other users: Enough Musk spam. That’s an explanation I made up in my head, but it might be right. It’s the only way the name would make sense.
My understanding is that it was created in response to a ton of Musk spam which was primarily positive, when he was first emerging as a popular figure. People got fed up with hearing about him, and started Enough Musk Spam to point out how absolutely terrible he actually is.
Nowadays, there’s much less positive Musk news, so it feels more like a misnomer. But it was started as an attempt to highlight how bad he is. Seems to have worked a bit, tbh.
Ah ok. I see. But other subs were still full of Musk news, even though they had created the sub. But I guess you can’t contain anything in just one sub.
I wish everyone would just stop visiting that site and posting screenshots of t*eets.
Let it die harder than reddit.
Teets? What is this, c/farming?
There is no irony on the internet. /c/enoughmuskspam is just spreading more Musk spam. Communities where users make fun of their racist uncle’s memes are just spreading racist memes.
There’s no intelligence on the Internet, enoughmustspam is containing it all to one instance you can block to avoid the bulk of it.
Yeah… It’s been a minute now so idk what’s happening there now, but /r/terriblefacebookmemes always had an unsettling amount of people in the comments that just agreed with the messed up memes. In particular, that subreddit almost lost all degree of civility every time a fucked up meme about trans people was shared… That really brought the assholes outta the woodwork
That community fails to understand Musk operates in “any publicity is good publicity” nowadays so it ironically helps him. Blocking that community was the best thing I did and recommend everyone do.
Be the change you want to see. Stop posting and commenting about it.
It’s like the Reddit communities where people go to discuss how they’ve moved on from Reddit
I remember r/FatPeopleHate, where people who hated fat people went to look at pictures of very very fat people, with diseased bodies, lots of exposed folded skin, all of that.
The pictures they ended up bringing to r/all were truly awful.
I wonder if they’re still doing that. Somewhere out there, 5 000 guys and girls sharing pictures of fat people, looking at them, and talking about how much they hate looking at them.
block it
i thought the point was to funnel all musk spam there so that you only have to block one community
The point is to have only one community to block