There is, or was, tho.
There is, or was, tho.
Eu! Du ju habe a leucence fur dat neuf mait!?
And that the things they eat are the result of natural selection only.
…but the task force sent to evaluate the island’s potential determined that only 5,000 to 7,000 families could be accommodated, or even as few as 500 families by some estimates.
…calling for the resettlement of a million Jews per year for four years, with the island being governed as a police state under the SS. They assumed that many Jews would succumb to its harsh conditions
That sounds more like ‘outright extermination’ than ‘displacement’ to me but ok.
I see you’re not the oc but as someone defending their point I’ll ask again, do you have any sources on these ‘plenty of pro-Israel Nazis’?
Do you have a source for that? Because antisemitism seems to be a core tenant of nazism according to everything I can find.
Also nazis, due to this antisemitism, seem to view Muslims as natural allies, see how neonazis celebrated 9-11 around the world (except in the USA) or this quote:
“…we could have emancipated the Moslem countries dominated by France…All Islam vibrated at the news of our victories…created a feeling of malaise among our Islamic friends…” Adolf Hitler. Last will and Testament.
A country full of resources is very often a curse for its people.
On a note, *meddling.
It’s true you don’t see many punk women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for punk men.
And this in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no punk women, and that punks just spring out of holes in the ground!
Which is, of course, ridiculous.
The man wouldn’t last
an houra minute workingon an actual ranch.
How so? Honest question, I can’t seem to find anything that is not super pro-corporations like the prohibition on modding consoles with tens of thousands dollar fines or even prison sentences…
Apple: ‘Mobile platform? Nah this is just a game console’ winks at Nintendo and Sony
it sounds like you are informed
I try to avoid the news as much as I can, for my mental health’s sake, but something permeates
you should know that the current government is leading only through a coalition of different parties that are barely a majority
That’s how it usually goes in Spain
The opposition parties don’t mind DoS’ing Spain (just look at the expired Supreme Court that has still to be renewed) just to create unrest. The only opposition who tags along are those that don’t want to see society dragged along for political maneuvering.
And somehow when the current opposition has been the ruling party they could do all kind of things, fascist things that fucked us all over but they were perfectly able to do as they pleased, but the “left” (this “Socialist” party is a monarchist party!) seems unable to even undo a little of the damage. You do sound well informed, so before you mention the work reform, which was surprisingly good, that I have the unshakable feeling was a mistake on their part. It was meant to NOT pass, but this one fash fucked up his vote and it went through. I don’t think the psoe (and maybe podemos, who knows) wanted that reform, they just thought it would be good pr.
Oh they’re talking aren’t they? Of course they are, that’s the only thing they do: bla bla bla and then nothing
Which is saying nothing: 12% unemployment, 27% under 25. Do those numbers look good to you?
In Spain antisemitism is rampant left and right, that’s why the government (Socialist Party) has done this. Make no mistake, this is not solidarity or justice or shit, just a smoke screen so their voters forget about the cost of living, housing, unemployment… and all the hard-to-solve pressing issues they don’t want to do anything about.
This is very correct, you can see tall baseball is not completely feared by fish nor women for to reach true fear from either one must reach an absolute neutral state with the others.
We’re all on this bus that’s going 150mph towards the edge of a cliff. I know it can be stopped, but the people driving are talking about ‘slowing to 120mph by 2050’ (but breaking at this pace we will be like 135mph by then) and these armed thugs are protecting them so no other can get up and take the wheel. Call me a doomer all you want but we’re fucked.
That graph shows the average cyclists per hour through 128 counting points. You can see it doubles for almost every hour every day of the week, the max peak going from ~130 to ~260 cyclists/hour.
It depends. How dark is the kid’s skin? Are they in a poor neighborhood?