For me it’s just being able to have longer discussion. I dunno, maybe I can do that on Mastodon but it feels to quick for me. I’ve always liked forum posting, so this suits me better
For me it’s just being able to have longer discussion. I dunno, maybe I can do that on Mastodon but it feels to quick for me. I’ve always liked forum posting, so this suits me better
It’ll be interesting to see what happens on as the election season heats up in the US. Are smaller communities subject to astroturfing?
There are people who are loudly outraged, Islamic democrats. The DNC does what it always does, ignore them and stoke fear. It’s disgusting.
I hate these birth rate panic articles. If they gave citizenship to the people who are doing the hard work (like 3K jobs) it wouldn’t be a problem.
Ads are basically paid graffiti
Me playing Zelda needing a strength powerup be like
Definitely a question worth an interrobang. I never understood the “we need to pretend follow the law so we can break it” policy
I absolutely agree, I think you ahem that lead actress should win an Oscar.
But I think it’s important that we don’t let enjoying things become synonymous with liking (mindless purchasing) the corporate products that are being sold to us at a breakneck pace.
What ways do we have to still create our own ways to have fun? How can we make our own “weird barbies”?
The really wild one is the Ann Coulter reading:
“God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, “Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It’s yours.”
(Referring to Dominionism and Genesis 1:28, on Hannity & Colmes, 20 June 2001)
I don’t live in the US. I’m adequately paid, and the summers are short where I live. Take your strawmen and throw them back whatever hole you dug them out of.
I can’t speak about US problems, but what I’m talking about is education in general. I’ll give you an example: I was teaching some students to read the other day, about 8 years old. One student clearly has the leg up on the other one. She goes to after school programs, short summer programs, the works. She can read about two levels higher than her classmate. Hey, that’s great. And actually when reading is concerned, I’m happy that she can do that. But what happens is that when I need to slow down and actually teach that other student to read (at a level that’s perfectly fine for her age), she groans, she gets impatient, she makes fun of that kid. And what happens to that other kid? She feels stupid, she feels inadequate.
And ok, you might say, an intensive reading program is good! But one thing it does not teach these kids is that they are not better than anyone else, and even if they learn more, they need to also learn to be respectful to their fellow students.
Tl;dr we’re teaching them to be competitive, not good human beings
I explicitly said that the love of learning is great.
And I’m not saying that learning extracurriculars is bad, in fact, it’s wonderful!
I’m talking about summer schools that literally just teach a class curriculum ahead of time. In that respect, yes, it is “gaming”. The only thing those students learn is to get ahead and stay ahead.
Um, yeah? Teaching is not about awarding those who game the system the best. It’s all about making sure that the “lowest common denominator” gets every chance to succeed.
It’s not a fucking leaderboard.
a salty fucking teacher who will defend those students to the end.
Edit: I’m gonna keep going on this because it’s a subject that pisses me off to no end.
I live in a place where the rich kids can afford to tutor during the summer, and some take extra classes to “get ahead” of the school year. And you know what those kids do?
They sit in the classes, bored, because someone paid for them to do all this stuff early.
And I’m not saying that learning extracurriculars is bad, in fact, it’s wonderful! But if you paid somewhere to just take the same math class that you would have done anyway, well congrats. You got nothing. You beat Mario before everyone else.
And even that would be fine, except the attitude that comes from them – some as early as 6 years old! – is that these fucking “remedials” are slowing them down, and they are “smart” all while a mountain of money and privilege supports them.
And do those kids feel like they should help their fellow students learn? No! They just punch down harder, because no one in their families teaches them that learning is cooperative effort. Just get to the top of that fucking leaderboard and stay there at all costs. From fucking kindergarten onwards!
Thanks for coming to my fucking ted talk.
Haha no, just love Bob Ross and this name was available
I’m not but I wish I was! Love trees.
Technically they didn’t block it enough, you can still read the company name. Advertisers will love it even more because it will circulate social media. I hate this game.
Ah thanks, I always get them mixed up. Same with Nachty By Nature
Lil Yaughty
Oh that must be the one that likes sailing on yaughts
Maybe people are just afraid of bugs.