Gotta love a good baseless claim.
Gotta love a good baseless claim.
I was gonna go work for the government but then I got high.
Absolutely. I would do more volunteer work in a heartbeat. The moments I felt like I was actually helping contribute to our society was cooking breakfast for our unhoused community. I mean in a better society we wouldn’t have food insecurity so that volunteering would go elsewhere but can’t we just use our free time to just help people? Nope, we gotta stress about working and trying to not get fired.
I would love to just be a stay at home dad and keep the house clean, do chores, and cook meals for my family. Is that too much to ask?
The post is about communism. I’m not sure why you would ask about where the definition came from if you already know how communists view property.
Private property is the capital, the actual means of production. Personal property is your stuff.
To be fair they gave fictional examples to back the claim up so it seems pretty solid.
This is definitely a sane and logical take. I’ve been eating plants for almost a year and no meat. Not only am I still waiting for my soy manboobs to come in but in surprisingly not a mummy lol.
It was super hard to extrapolate what they actually meant. Thanks for bringing up the real issue of [checks notes] typos.
I haven’t eaten meat in almost a year and my fat ass is not exactly starving.
I won’t think about you at all.
So I get to keep my toothbrush??? 👀👀👀👀
It’s like a fucking addiction. I have 50 open right now.
Also while you are here, read theory.
This part is what really blows my mind. I guess there are some reddit influx that got confused by the “ml” domain or something?
When your needs are met by the state, you tend to be less selfish. Or not selfish at all since you don’t need to hoard the item. Besides Conquest of Bread, I’d suggest reading Wage-Labor And Capital for more understanding. At least if you are legit wanting to learn.
Fellow lefty. I do not miss the graphite smudges one single bit.
So Delicious brand Chocolate Cookies and Cream is where it’s at.