Nah. Thats not racist. Stating that countries primarily populated by non-whites are somehow too weak or lazy to fight for themselves, however, is definitely pretty racist.
Nah. Thats not racist. Stating that countries primarily populated by non-whites are somehow too weak or lazy to fight for themselves, however, is definitely pretty racist.
Bro, you went so far that you actually became racist yourself. You literally said: “Do help themselves” == “white” “Don’t help themselves” == “not white”
You are pushing the american stereotype for “lazy immigrants”
Thats kinda cringe tbh.
I am ungovernable
Technically you are “right” but you are also being obtuse (pun intended).
If you could bare to stretch your mind, and realize “not to scale” means “trust the numbers, not the graphic” you could in turn, realize that it is, in fact, 3 sided.
Every side of every shape is made up of infinite 180 degree angles and 2 angles that are different. Every. Single. One.
Mathematicians dont want to to know this one strange trick, hide a secret corner of 180 degrees in any triangle to instantly make it a quadrilateral, without even changing the shape!!
Upon reading this, i feel like an immeasurably large fool. I lost to my wife yesterday when IT COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED
They just overlap much more recently
Ok. What is energy in this context? Is it the literal electricity that keeps instances alive? Is it the motivation for people to post and discuss?
I know the technical definition, and i don’t see how it is a positive thing in the context that was used. Does op mean dispersion of ideas? Similar to how entropy is dispersed energy?
Chaos because there are so many separate ideas coming together?
What does entropy mean in the given context?
There are several negatives to the limitation too. Advertisers (which are already leaving in droves) are even further discouraged from placing ads that have a much smaller chance of being seen.
Edit: spelling
Stupid linear time. All my homies hate linear time.
Inspiring haha.
I wonder what influence the stated reason had (if any) on the approval. What did he use it on?
Inspiring haha.
I wonder what influence the stated reason had (if any) on the approval. What did he use it on?
I tried to watch it and kinda gave up. I tried to accept that it would be at most a reference to the book, but i still, just, couldnt.