A core memory of mine is getting flung off of one of these things because of the centrifugal force, falling on my back, and being unable to breathe for like 20-30 seconds … until I screamed at the top of my lungs, and things slowly returned to normal, while the teacher just went: oh you’re fine, don’t be a baby. I was 6.
Jesus Christ
My old school “upgraded” it when we left… by asphalting around it.
Knees are overrated.
If you had to work around the hateful little shits all day you’d be trying to look for low key ways to maim them too.
If you truly hate kids, this is what you have to do. Introduce dangers with plausible deniability.
How was I supposed to know the kids would use it to turn each other into meat crayons?
My school had one on dirt. The panels were wood and had a hole in it. Finally, one day, we were playing and a kid’s foot went down there and got fucked up. He was like a rockstar coming into school next day with stitches and crutches.
My school had one of those. One day we got the idea to tie one of the kids to it around his waist and make him run around to spin it. I still remember our teacher asking “where’s Willy?” once recess was over, then looking out the window to see him desperately trying to untie himself.
There are 3 nearby, including one at a super crowded park. I think one is getting torn out though.
If no adult gave a shit, why don’t we see them anymore?
I somehow flipped over one of the bars and bashed my head on the deck (wooden on ours rather than metal) when I was around 6 or 7 years old. No stitches, though I don’t see any noticeable scar. I don’t remember much aside from seeing blood and a headache.
These were so much fun as a kid and pretty good as a drunk adult too
Got my first real concussion on one of those things. All I remember is that one minute I was flying off of it and the next minute I was at home and I had been there for several hours.
It’s a teleportation device.
Teleports kids to the ER
Look at you with your fancy “Healthcare” and “Insurance”!
We treated wounds via walking them off, and occasionally hiding behind a tree to sob silently so you didn’t get laughed at.
I remember we didn’t stop those for anybody. You want on? Sprint and jump. Want off? I still have a vivid memory of trying to get off one, being thrown outward, and getting a bar between the legs. Went to the bathroom and found blood in my underwear. Can’t believe I still walked home after that
That’ll happen after a solid meatspinning. Merry-go-rounds can be pretty dangerous too if you’re not careful.
The moped plus roundabout was a thing a while back; maybe that’s why they disappeared?
Bosnian space program training.
Mums will not let their kids on it. Dads will spun it faster to teach their kinds about conservation of momentum.
As a dad I once spun it so fast I made a kid throw up. It was awesome.
I did that to my own son. He barfed in the car and I learned my lesson.
Here in Germany we optimized the process and just use these nowadays: https://www.stilum.com/wp-content/uploads/flecto-Karussell-auf-einem-Spielplatz-1030x687.jpg
Trust the Germans to make childhood playground injuries more efficient.
We have both kinds in playgrounds around my house here in Norway. My kids like both, but the ones from the OP is vastly preferred. They get a lot more Gs in the one with the bars.
I don’t remember ever being thrown off of one of these. But I always see memes like this.
Part of the fun is hanging off the side of it to increase the G forces.
I lost a tooth to one of these things.
To be fair, a bunch of teenagers were also involved, making it spin at about mach 87 before it smashed into my mouth.
In my home village we have a much safer and much better version of it:
You can accelerate yourself by just pulling at the plate in the middle, meaning that everyone can have fun and you can probably get much higher speeds.
Meh, the constant threat of being thrown violently out into oblivion was most of the fun!
Exactly you can use the railing to hang on the outside. Greater speed and much more fun.
Back in my day, we walked for miles uphill in the snow to school, we rode the unprotected meatspin, broke all of our bones, and then we walked for miles uphill back home. Kids these days are so spoiled and pampered!!!
„Safer“ until you get flung against the metal bar before flying off. Because to get it up to speed you have to stand up.
My kindergarten had a much cruder and unsafe version of this. My system has a scar on her forehead from the time fell off of it and an open ended pipe in the structure hit her. We went absolutely wild spinning that thing.
I hope your system is doing butter thesis dames.