I’ll keep using master/slave. Political correctness bullshit be damned.
I’ll keep using master/slave. Political correctness bullshit be damned.
Not only we have retarded boomers, we also have kids who are too stupid to read an analog clock. Wonderful.
The more I read about America, the more I realise what a fucking stupid country it was, is, and will probably keep on being.
Kick those corrupt fuckers out if the EU, they are a danger
Fuck you Hungary, you fascist shithole.
Ah yeah, I’m sure “people like you” would do a much better job. Oh wait, your kind is why things are in the shitter.
Agreed. As a Euro, they need to be taken care of. Permanently. Throw them out, shut off all talks with Turkey, too. We don’t want either of them.
This meme is fucking stupid. So many trans people complain saying that if others don’t want to sleep with them, they’re transphobic. No, I simply don’t like dealing with other dicks or have-been dicks.
I mean, they are vegans. Their brains withered long ago.