Awesome! I always wondered when those voiced would get louder.
They don’t even lose money, they just don’t earn any.
Just seeing the Thumbnail made me sing that ridiculous Theme Song. Jay Foreman is very funny.
I have panic dreams about my battery being empty or me not finding something, or software crashing all the time. I am not a relaxed dreamer.
Joke’s on you, i never leave the toilet.
The most annoying thing about Shorts is that they appear right along the regular videos in /subscriptions
Shower beats toilet for thinking, every time! Its the steam! My toilet rarely steams.
Never tapped a button faster.
To be fair, if i didn’t learn about lemmy, i would be back on reddit at this point. It just kills the boredom in a way nothing else does.
Please use the correct grampa. Abe simpson has a posse.