First mass shooting in the US.
Unfortunately Montenegro beat us to the punch this year with a mass shooting killing 10 earlier yesterday.
What the fuck, Montenegro, get your own thing. Something related to chain smoking probably.
Proposition to call lung cancer, Montenegrin cancer
But anything outside the US doesn’t count, maybe even doesn’t exist, according to a majority of US citizens.
It’s truly disturbing how common it is for 'Muricans to just forget and/or not care about anything outside the US. And even for things within the US, they forget timezones are a thing even though their own country has several.
Wait what’s happened in New York?
10 shot outside of a club in queens, ages 16-20
This sounds more like gang shit
A group of four men fired at least 30 gunshots into a crowd that gathered near the Amazura nightclub
It doesnt matter the reason, its still a mass shooting.
I guess, the term mass shooting just makes me think of one dude going off the rails.
The fact that we need subgenres for this shit is disgusting either way.
I would just refer to people who “go postal” as rampage killers. Spree killer and mass shooter already have their own definitions after all.
The majority accepted is 4 or more injured or killed, not including the shooter (gun violence archive).
The DOJ version is 4 or more killed, which is just the mass murder definition with a shooter, leaving out a lot of incidents.
In either case though, the motive is irrelevant because its not going to be known at the time.
Interestingly, the DOJ version also causes mass killings that made minimal firearm involvement to be on the list.
It’s why the 7th deadliest “school shooting” was in the mid-18th century, and only one person was actually shot, with the rest killed by melee weapons.
I still think your distinction is important. They are both tragedies of course, but it’s important to know and understand the cause.
It’s important in the sense that if it’s “just gang shit” then people think it’s less random, and so they have some agency to avoid it, which makes it less scary. They’re also not in social groups even close to gangs, so it’s not something that would ever happen to them.
We’ve normalized mass shootings.
Mass shooting? Sounds like a normal Wednesday.
Just because it’s common doesn’t mean it would be categorised or described differently. A mass shooting is a mass shooting, no matter how often it happens.
NYC has the lowest crime rate of any US major city by a lot.
That may be true based on stats which can always be manipulated. But it sure doesn’t feel safer. There was a time when you had no fear riding the subway. Now you are taking your life in your hands just standing on the platform
NYC used to be much more dangerous. Really goes to show how mislead we can be by emotions that you feel it’s only dangeeous now
You are not old enough to remember how peaceful and clean the city was during the 16 years of Guiliani and Bloomberg
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Oh, yes. The “stop and frisk” era.
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downvotes verify that many are too young to remember
Was that before or after Bernie Goetz decided to murder people and then he got away with it? Because I’m not sure everyone felt safer after that.
You know when you ignore things in life too long and they just start becoming chaos?
See what has happened is that the right didn’t have any faith in the government, and now the left doesn’t either.
So, violent extremism is now the standard. Might Makes Right is the new system for these idiots. The Chinese propaganda is winning, we’re killing our own.
The reason we don’t have any faith in government is because big corpo bought it because Reagan sold in and convinced both parties to keep it sold ever since.
Since the beginning of civilization, to know who’s to blame, you need only look at the richest fucks profiting most from it. The well bribed, revolving door middle managers in DC ain’t it.
Tolerance of greed, private shareholders demanding a firesale to good the next quarter, growth/metastasis at all costs instead of equilibrium, the capital markets are what have destroyed us.
Just elect 60 DNC senators and things will get fixed up so fast. Historians would call it a miracle.
Every stance you extremists claim to care about is on the DNC platform.
Yeah, the ACA, a heritage foundation conceived health care bandaid that further enshrined for profit health insurance vultures into American Healthcare was the best thing the DNC could do last time they had a supermajority.
The DNC and the RNC take the same orders from the same bribers, defend their grift economy from us. Both parties work against the people.
The current form of the ACA exists because ALL 58 DNC voted for single payer but NONE of the 38 GOP and not even 2 Independents voted yes.
Always an excuse, by design.
We’re always up to something.
Better hide in the subway, I’m sure it’s fine.
“Get off my train!”
Okay I’m here but they’re saying if I don’t buy a sandwich I have to go. (We don’t have public transportation here.)
None of which happened in most people’s local areas. Stop reading national news on a regular basis. Focus on your small little life, your family, your neighborhood, your little area.
Of course when you cast a wide net nationally or globally, there will always be negative things happening, and then if you mainly focus on those events, you’ll act as if negative things are the only things.
tbh i have been doing this since the election was done with in november ‘24 & i haven’t felt better! my feed is just tech & other interests w no national/global news & keyword filters for the bs the news pushes pretty heavy: trump, musk, bezos, israel, etc. it’s definitely helped me regain some of my sanity.
I learn most major news nowadays BECAUSE it’s a meme in an unrelated forum. There’s no point worrying about mega and sometimes global news events that you could literally do nothing about and often might not even affect you.
Just enjoy your life best you can and minimize that stress.
Good for you.
It didn’t happen to me personally, so it’s fine! Stop paying attention!!
He’s not wrong: if the topic isn’t within your circle of control, then worrying over it is just mentally masturbating to disaster porn.
The key is that the advice to ignore such things isn’t about advocating for blissful ignorance like you think it is. It’s that shrinking your circle of concern frees up your focus to grow your circle of control.
Thank you for contributing better than I could. You said it very well.
I think he is wrong because being informed and aware of what has happened in the world does not equate to “mentally masturbating to disaster porn”. We do have a real problem with sensationalized media, but the solution is not to just be uninformed…
I sometimes hear similar logic as an argument against things like funding science research: “Why spend money and time on a deep space observatory? We can never get to those places in space anyway”
Stop getting scared by terrorism, a few dozen people is nothing compared to even mundane things like traffic deaths.
I mean, I get it, but this is the same logic that is sometimes used for school shootings. It’s abhorrent to ignore a large increase compared to other places just because it is still a small chance, and therefore do nothing.
I like making these less likely, but I know my government’s just gonna pump more money into cops and surveillance rather than do anything effective like making people less disenfranchised and desperate.
By this logic, every war is safer today than in all of human history, so who fucking cares.
Therefore I must pay attention to everything? People were not designed to be globally concerned constantly.
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“All this horrible shit happening has no pattern or coordination. We can ignore it” is a pretty bad take. Regardless of why these things happen they’re still tragic
no I think he was just being racist
He’s still right. You were just hoping it was all republican straight white males.
Nope, every demographic does crimes Nobody claimed otherwise lmao
New Years RESOLUTIONS, RESOLUTIONS, not revolutions…
On the second thought, continue.
Don’t put your trust in revolutions. They always come around again. That’s why they’re called revolutions. - Pratchett
I tell ya, what we need is the luggage…
I’ll put all my trust in the luggage.
So… Just another day in America?
Are the Americans ok?
Naw man, we’re pretty fucking far from ok
Well, time to grab some blowtorches and get medieval on someone
someone in this world bought a balloon and went driving to find a dead animal for that image._.
And left their car parked in the photo.
you think they went driving to find a dead animal?
Someone has to be driving to make roadkill. It just makes sense to drive up your own roadkill, if you’re looking for some.
Hahahahah. No.
Bro we’re straight up not having a good time.
Don’t catch you slippin’ now
So, we moving Devil’s Night up?
- us telecoms hacked (again) by China? 😅
CT didn’t blow up, someone lit it on fire
There are more sane comments here than on the “serious” news Lemmy.
Did they prove that yet? Seems like it would be on video and I haven’t seen any.